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young woody 12:08 Tue Nov 8
All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
I'm so shocked to hear about the treatment of some of our supports over the last few games. It's just one thing after another at the moment a really pissing me off.

So after having a chat with some other season tickets holders and reading some posts on here I think we should do our own little protest. All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game. I mean who the bloody hell wear these people in the hats? It's an absolute farce what's happening over there.

Anywho. Can you please all wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game, it's live on BT so hopefully get a bit of press about it as well as we are getting the blame for everything.

Thoughts please?

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Chip Shop Charlie 7:29 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
FC: Thats where the demonstrating part comes in, it would need to be really well organised but could easily get very messy.

Far Cough 7:26 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
How will staying away hurt them in their pockets when most of the seats have already been bought by ST holders?

Chip Shop Charlie 7:26 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Vexed: The fans need to go on strike by not going in the ground and need to demonstrate outside the turnstyles. A bit like fans have done in Germany.
I'm not sure there are enough that are disgruntled though.

Vexed 7:20 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
If you really must do something akin to stamping your feet like a toddler because you dont like the new ground then unless you're hurting them in the pocket the owners won't give a fuck.
Yellow hats? Still paid and turned up. Rocking up a minute after kick off, up to you, you still paid and turned up. Staying away completely so that the stadium looks empty is probably the only thing that would get much attention if enough people do it, but none of you feel strongly enough to do that despite your protestations and the owners know it. They are not concerned by years in yellow hats, why would they be?

So could you all stop whining please?

Far Cough 4:02 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Johnson 3:57 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Vexed could just paint his head yellow and look like Homer Simpson the thick bald cunt, Cough.

*Like 😤

Johnson 3:59 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
You won't get support for standing as the weasels on here are more in favour of cleansing the support and forcing sitting than they are an atmosphere.

One McAvennieeeeee 3:57 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
There has been a story nearly every week since we moved in about fans standing.

I have not seen a story about yellow hats at all.

I think it's obvious what's more noteworthy, don't you?

Johnson 3:57 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Vexed could just paint his head yellow and look like Homer Simpson the thick bald cunt, Cough.

ornchurch ammer 3:36 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Vexed - what is more noteworthy?

Wearing a colour not associated with West Ham?
Getting to your seat late?
Everyone standing for the duration?

ornchurch ammer 3:34 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Cough they can be bought on eBay for £2 including postage. Wont be designer but will make a point cheaply.

All this mocking the colour, that is the point. To mock those that are wearing it as a uniform.

icwhs 3:31 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Yellow hats..a colour associated with cowards?

Nah...take yer fucking clothes off might do it

Far Cough 3:27 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Vexed, will you wear one to cover your bald head?

Vexed 3:26 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Hardly any cunt will wear a yellow hat. Even if they did is it really noteworthy? Course it aint.

Far Cough 3:24 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Where is everyone going to get a yellow hat from though?

ornchurch ammer 3:20 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
The best message is everyone wearing yellow hats.

Can you imagine the media asking people why 000's of West Ham are wearing yellow of all colours, and against Arsenal to be told that it is a protest against the elite squad of ex SAS that have been put together to physically eject supporters and who are identifiable only by their yellow hats. It would get the attention and take the piss at the same time.

Wont happen though as it is not cool enough for some.

Nothing will happen at the game as there are too many Jacks about.

Bom Stickle 2:41 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
OM it's more a message of keep banning innocent fans and treating them like shit, a half empty stadium is eventually what they will end up with.

In two weeks it's pretty hard to organise anything too difficult. Even asking people to turn up at there seats a few minutes late is hard enough.

One McAvennieeeeee 2:14 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Is it not about pissing off the owners though? Piss off the pwners and it will get the necessary media coverage.

I just don't see what not turning up for 1 minute does. What's the message? "I'll turn up late if you don't stop banning people "?

They have cited standing as a reason for not being able to increase the capacity. This hurts them. It's a no brainier for me.

wrighty 2:11 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Would be visible on tv though. I agree it needs to be a visible protest. The standing protest would piss off gold & brady but not sure how it would look on tv.

One McAvennieeeeee 2:07 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
This is for the turning up late one.

One McAvennieeeeee 2:07 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
Yeah I'm all for doing something but I don't see any upside whatsoever for this. A protest has to have a message. I'm not sure what the message here is.

Also, is the concourse big enough to keep everyone?

Although I applaud the effort, I just don't see this has legs.

wrighty 2:01 Sat Nov 12
Re: All wear yellow hats for the Arsenal game.
By the time you get through the queues for searching the game has started anyway

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